Killing Grandad

Killing Grandad – a new play by Jack Harte, directed by Gerard Lee and featuring Michael Judd and Kevin McMahon was staged at The New Theatre, East Essex Street, Dublin 2, from 3rd to 14th March 2020.

The battle between good and evil, heroes and villains, is as old as time. Hector & Achilles, Darth Vader & Luke Skywalker - and, in Irish Mythology, Balor of the Evil Eye and the young Lugh! This satirical anti-war play attacks the very foundation stone of war – the concept of heroism.

In Killing Grandad the men of Ireland are intent on invading Ulster and defeating the Formorian tribe of yokels. However, they are terrified of the weapon of mass destruction these yokels reportedly possess – the legendary evil eye of their great hero, Balor. When young Lugh arrives for the Battle of Moytura, assured that his destiny is to conquer Balor, the scene is set for the mother of all struggles!


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